
Frequently Asked Questions

If your business is facing issues with cyber security, ransomware, or struggling with your managed IT needs, you may not know where to turn to. A quick search for some answers has led you here and we are here to help. We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions large and small business owners have regarding IT and digital security. According to Security Magazine 1, there are over 2,200 attacks each day (nearly 1 cyber attack every 39 seconds). If you are already under attack or unhappy with your current level of cyber protection, contact us to speak with an experienced IT service management company.

Cyber Security FAQ

Why is Cyber Security Important?

At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we understand that cyber security plays a vital role in protecting your business against evolving online threats. In today's digital landscape, where cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, implementing robust security measures is no longer an option but a necessity. This FAQ page aims to shed light on the importance of cyber security and why partnering with a managed security service provider like DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions is crucial for your organization's protection.

Safeguard Your Sensitive Data:
In an era where data breaches have become alarmingly common, cyber security acts as a shield, protecting against unauthorized access to your valuable information. By implementing effective security protocols, encryption, and access controls, DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions helps safeguard your sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of your business-critical information.

Mitigate Financial Losses:
A successful cyberattack can have severe financial implications for businesses of all sizes. The aftermath of a breach often involves hefty financial losses due to regulatory penalties, legal fees, customer compensation, and reputational damage. DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' comprehensive cyber security solutions assist in minimizing these risks by proactively detecting and protecting against potential threats, reducing the financial burden associated with cyber incidents.

Preserve Business Continuity:
Cyberattacks can disrupt your organization's operations, leading to costly downtime and productivity losses. By implementing robust cyber security measures, DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions enables your business to maintain its continuity even in the face of an attack. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a tailored incident response plan, ensuring swift recovery and minimizing disruptions to your daily operations.

Protect Customer Trust:
In an era where customer trust is paramount, a single security breach can severely damage your reputation. By prioritizing cyber security, you demonstrate your commitment to protecting your customers' data and sensitive information. With DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solution's state-of-the-art security solutions, you can instill confidence in your clients, build lasting relationships, and maintain a competitive edge in today's business landscape.

Stay Compliant with Regulations:
Many industries are subject to stringent data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Non-compliance with these regulations can result in severe penalties. DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions helps you navigate these complexities by ensuring your security measures align with the relevant regulatory requirements, helping you stay compliant and avoid legal consequences.

In a digital world fraught with cyber threats, investing in robust cyber security measures is not only prudent but essential for the long-term success of your business. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions tailored to your organization's unique needs. Partner with us to fortify your defenses, safeguard your sensitive data, and maintain a resilient security posture in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Additionally, we strongly recommend scheduling a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) with our experts. A CSRA provides an in-depth analysis of your organization's vulnerabilities and identifies potential areas for improvement. By conducting a CSRA, you gain valuable insights that allow you to proactively address security gaps and enhance your overall cybersecurity strategy. Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to schedule your CSRA and take a proactive step towards comprehensive protection.

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Are cyber security threats increasing?

In today's digital age, businesses face a constant barrage of cybersecurity threats that are growing in frequency, complexity, and impact. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we understand the critical need to stay informed about the evolving threat landscape and ensure robust protection for your organization. This FAQ page aims to provide insights into the increasing cyber security threats and the importance of partnering with a managed security service provider like DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions to safeguard your business.

Rapidly Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape:

Cyber threats are not only becoming more sophisticated but are also continuously evolving. Malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and data breaches are just a few examples of the risks businesses face. Hackers adapt their techniques to exploit vulnerabilities, making it crucial to stay vigilant and implement effective security measures to counteract these threats.

Heightened Targeting of Small and Mid-sized Businesses:

Contrary to popular belief, small and mid-sized businesses are not immune to cyberattacks. In fact, they have become prime targets for cybercriminals due to their potentially weaker security measures compared to larger enterprises. As the cybercrime landscape shifts, it is essential for businesses of all sizes to prioritize cyber security and protect their valuable assets.

Impact on Financial Loss and Business Continuity:

Cybersecurity incidents can have severe financial repercussions for organizations. The costs associated with remediation, legal fees, regulatory penalties, customer compensation, and reputational damage can be devastating. Furthermore, cyberattacks can disrupt business operations, leading to downtime, productivity losses, and a potential loss of customer trust. Proactive security measures are vital to mitigate these risks and maintain business continuity.

Emerging Technologies and IoT Vulnerabilities:

As new technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) devices continue to proliferate, they introduce new avenues for cyberattacks. The interconnected nature of devices and networks can create vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit. Businesses must address these emerging risks by implementing robust security protocols and monitoring solutions to protect their expanding digital ecosystems.


In an ever-evolving digital landscape, cyber security threats are on the rise, and organizations must stay one step ahead to protect their valuable assets and maintain business continuity. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions to safeguard your business from evolving cyber threats. Partnering with us allows you to leverage our expertise and cutting-edge technologies to build a robust defense against malicious activity.

Additionally, we strongly recommend scheduling a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) with our experts. A CSRA provides a comprehensive evaluation of your organization's vulnerabilities, identifies potential risks, and offers actionable recommendations to strengthen your security posture. By conducting a CSRA, you gain valuable insights that allow you to proactively address security gaps and enhance your overall cybersecurity strategy. Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to schedule your CSRA and fortify your defenses against growing cyber security threats.

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What are the costs of a cyber attack?

Cyber attacks pose significant financial and operational risks to businesses of all sizes. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we understand the critical importance of protecting your business from these threats. This FAQ page aims to shed light on the costs associated with a cyber attack and emphasizes the need to implement robust security measures. Learn how DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' managed security solutions can safeguard your business and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) for comprehensive protection.

As cyber threats increase, so do the anticipated annual costs, which vary based on the type of attack:

  • In 2020, data breaches averaged $3.86M. In 2022, data breaches averaged $4.35M.
  • The average cost of a ransomware attack in 2022 was $4.54M.
  • Breaches from compromised credentials had an average cost of $4.5M.
  • For small-sized businesses, recent studies have shown the average cost of a data breach to range between $120,000 to $1.24M.

Financial Losses:

A cyber attack can result in substantial financial losses for your organization. The costs may include remediation expenses, legal fees, regulatory fines, customer compensation, and potential loss of business opportunities. These financial burdens can significantly impact your bottom line and impede your business's growth and success.

Reputational Damage:

Cyber attacks often lead to reputational damage, eroding the trust and confidence of your customers, partners, and stakeholders. The loss of reputation can have long-lasting effects, impacting customer loyalty, brand value, and future business prospects. Rebuilding trust and restoring your reputation can be a challenging and time-consuming process.

Operational Disruption:

A successful cyber attack can disrupt your business operations, causing significant downtime and productivity losses. These disruptions can result in missed deadlines, delayed projects, and dissatisfied customers. The costs associated with restoring operations and mitigating the impact on your business can be substantial.

Legal Consequences and Compliance Penalties:

Depending on the nature of the cyber attack and the industry you operate in, there may be legal consequences and compliance penalties. Non-compliance with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or industry-specific requirements can result in hefty fines and legal ramifications. Protecting against cyber attacks is crucial for maintaining compliance and avoiding these costly penalties.


Understanding the costs of a cyber attack is vital for businesses to prioritize and invest in robust security measures. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions to protect your business from cyber threats. Our experts can help you assess your current security posture through a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA), identifying vulnerabilities and providing actionable recommendations. By scheduling a CSRA, you gain valuable insights to strengthen your security defenses, mitigate risks, and protect your business from the devastating costs of a cyber attack.

Don't let your business be vulnerable to the financial, reputational, and operational consequences of a cyber attack. Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to schedule your CSRA and take proactive steps towards comprehensive protection.

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What is pharming, spoofing, and phishing?

Pharming, spoofing, and phishing attacks are prevalent methods employed by cybercriminals to deceive and exploit individuals and businesses. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we recognize the critical need to understand these cyber threats and implement robust security measures to safeguard your organization. This FAQ page provides insights into pharming, spoofing, and phishing attacks and highlights the importance of protecting your business from these risks. Learn how DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' managed security solutions can help shield your business and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) for comprehensive protection.


Pharming is a cyber-attack where attackers manipulate the domain name system (DNS) or compromise routers to redirect users to malicious websites. The goal is to deceive users into providing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details. By protecting against pharming attacks, you can prevent unauthorized access to your systems and protect your customers' data from being compromised.


Spoofing refers to the creation of fraudulent communications, such as emails or websites, that mimic legitimate entities or individuals. Email spoofing, for example, involves forging the sender's email address to trick recipients into believing the message is from a trustworthy source. Spoofing attacks can be used for various malicious purposes, including stealing sensitive information or spreading malware. Implementing measures to detect and block spoofed communications is crucial for safeguarding your business and maintaining trust with your stakeholders.


Phishing attacks involve the use of deceptive emails, text messages, or websites to trick individuals into disclosing sensitive information or performing actions that benefit the attacker. These attacks often rely on social engineering techniques, exploiting human vulnerabilities rather than technical weaknesses. Protecting against phishing attacks involves educating employees about identifying phishing attempts, implementing email filters and web filters, and regularly updating security measures to mitigate the risk of falling victim to these scams.


Understanding the threats posed by pharming, spoofing, and phishing attacks is essential for organizations to protect their sensitive information and maintain a strong security posture. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions designed to shield your business from these evolving cyber threats. Our experts can assist you in assessing your security vulnerabilities through a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA), providing insights and recommendations to enhance your defenses against pharming, spoofing, phishing, and other cyber risks.

Don't let your business fall victim to these deceptive tactics. Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to schedule your CSRA and fortify your defenses against pharming, spoofing, and phishing attacks, ensuring the security and integrity of your organization's critical assets.

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Why do I need a cyber security risk assessment for my business?

In today's digital landscape, businesses face an ever-growing array of cyber threats that can compromise their sensitive data, disrupt operations, and damage their reputation. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we recognize the critical need for proactive measures to protect your business. This FAQ page explains the importance of a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) and how it helps safeguard your organization against cyber threats. Discover how DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions’ managed security solutions can fortify your defenses and schedule your CSRA today for comprehensive protection.

Identify Vulnerabilities:

A CSRA allows you to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your organization's security infrastructure, policies, and practices. By conducting a comprehensive assessment, DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions’ experts can pinpoint potential entry points for cyber-attacks and determine the areas that require immediate attention and strengthening.

Mitigate Risks:

Understanding your organization's cyber risks is essential for effective risk management. A CSRA provides valuable insights into the specific threats your business faces, allowing you to prioritize and allocate resources to protect against the most significant risks. By proactively mitigating these risks, you reduce the likelihood of successful cyber-attacks and minimize potential damages.

Compliance with Regulations:

Many industries are subject to stringent data protection regulations and compliance requirements. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties and reputational damage. A CSRA helps you assess your current security posture and identify any gaps that may hinder compliance. By addressing these gaps, you protect your business from legal consequences and demonstrate your commitment to data protection.

Tailored Security Solutions:

Each business has its own unique security needs. A CSRA allows DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions to develop tailored security solutions based on the specific risks and vulnerabilities identified during the assessment. This ensures that your organization receives customized security measures that effectively protect against the threats it faces.


A Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) is a crucial step towards protecting your business from cyber threats. By conducting a CSRA with DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your organization's vulnerabilities, risks, and compliance status. Our experts provide you with actionable recommendations and tailored security solutions to fortify your defenses against cyber-attacks.

Don't leave your business exposed to potential cyber risks. Schedule your CSRA with DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to identify vulnerabilities, mitigate risks, ensure regulatory compliance, and strengthen your overall security posture. Protect your valuable assets, maintain business continuity, and gain peace of mind knowing that your business is well-protected against evolving cyber threats.

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I am a smaller business; do I need a cyber security plan?

In today's digital landscape, small businesses are not immune to cyber threats. In fact, they are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to potentially weaker security measures. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we understand the importance of cyber security for businesses of all sizes. This FAQ page highlights why small businesses need a robust cyber security plan and explains how DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions's managed security solutions can help protect against cyber threats. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) today for comprehensive protection.

Vulnerabilities Exist for Small Businesses:

Small businesses often assume they are too small to be targeted by cybercriminals. However, the reality is that smaller organizations can be seen as more vulnerable and easier targets. Cyber attackers exploit these vulnerabilities, including weak passwords, outdated software, or lack of employee training. A cyber security plan helps small businesses identify and address these vulnerabilities, enhancing their overall security posture.

Financial and Reputational Impact:

A cyber attack can have severe financial and reputational consequences for small businesses. The costs associated with data breaches, regulatory penalties, legal fees, customer compensation, and reputational damage can be overwhelming. Implementing a cyber security plan allows small businesses to protect against such risks, minimizing the potential impact on their finances and reputation.

Compliance with Regulations:

Small businesses are often subject to data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or industry-specific requirements. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in significant penalties. A cyber security plan helps small businesses align their security practices with regulatory requirements, protecting against legal consequences and ensuring compliance.

Customer Trust and Competitive Advantage:

A robust cyber security plan demonstrates your commitment to protecting your customers' sensitive information. By implementing security measures and protocols, you build trust with your customers, enhancing your reputation and competitive advantage. Customers are more likely to choose businesses that prioritize cyber security, making it a crucial aspect for small businesses to gain a competitive edge.


Small businesses are not exempt from cyber threats and should prioritize cyber security to protect their sensitive data, finances, and reputation. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions tailored to the unique needs of small businesses. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and receive tailored recommendations for enhancing your cyber security defenses.

Don't let the size of your business be a hindrance to your cyber security. Partner with DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions to develop a strong cyber security plan and protect your small business from evolving cyber threats. Contact us today to schedule your CSRA and fortify your defenses, ensuring the long-term success and security of your business.

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What are the most common attacks against small businesses?

Small businesses are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to potential vulnerabilities in their security infrastructure. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we understand the importance of protecting small businesses from cyber threats. This FAQ page discusses the most common attacks that target small businesses and emphasizes the need for robust security measures. Explore how DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions's managed security solutions can fortify your defenses, and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) for comprehensive protection.

Phishing Attacks:

Phishing attacks are a prevalent threat to small businesses. Cybercriminals use deceptive emails, messages, or websites to trick employees into revealing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links. Protecting against phishing attacks involves educating employees about identifying phishing attempts, implementing email filters and web filters, and establishing strong security protocols.

Ransomware Attacks:

Ransomware attacks involve malware that encrypts files and holds them, hostage, until a ransom is paid. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to these attacks due to limited resources and outdated security measures. Protecting against ransomware involves regular data backups, robust network security, and employee training to prevent malware infections.

Password Attacks:

Password attacks target weak or stolen passwords to gain unauthorized access to systems and data. Small businesses often neglect password security, making them easy targets. Implementing strong password policies, multi-factor authentication, and regular password updates helps protect against these attacks.

Business Email Compromise (BEC):

BEC attacks involve impersonating business executives or trusted partners to deceive employees into transferring funds or sharing sensitive information. Small businesses are susceptible to BEC attacks due to limited controls and a lack of awareness. Protecting against BEC attacks requires implementing strict verification procedures, secure email protocols, and employee training to identify suspicious requests.


Small businesses are frequent targets of cyber attacks, making it crucial to prioritize robust security measures. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions designed to protect small businesses from common cyber threats. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and receive tailored recommendations for enhancing your cyber security defenses.

Don't let your small business fall victim to cyber-attacks. Partner with DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions to fortify your defenses against phishing, ransomware, password attacks, and BEC attacks. Contact us today to schedule your CSRA and ensure the security and resilience of your small business against evolving cyber threats.

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If I have "Cyber Insurance" do I still need these services?

Cyber insurance and managed security services serve different purposes in protecting your business against cyber threats. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we understand the importance of a multi-layered approach to cybersecurity. This FAQ page discusses the relationship between cyber insurance and managed security services, highlighting why both are essential for comprehensive protection. Explore DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' managed security solutions and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to fortify your defenses against evolving cyber threats.

Cyber Insurance Coverage:

Cyber insurance provides financial protection in the event of a cyber-attack or data breach. It typically covers costs such as legal fees, incident response, public relations, and regulatory fines. However, it does not prevent cyber attacks or fully address security vulnerabilities. Cyber insurance is a risk management tool that helps mitigate financial losses but should not be seen as a substitute for robust security measures. It is important to note that in many cases, cyber insurance providers may deny a claim if certain security measures were not implemented, despite having a cyber insurance policy in place.

Managed Security Services:

Managed security services, on the other hand, focus on protecting against cyber threats by implementing proactive security measures and monitoring your systems for potential risks. These services include 24/7 security monitoring, vulnerability assessments, and security updates. Managed security services play a crucial role in identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities, mitigating risks, and preventing cyber attacks.

The Synergy of Cyber Insurance and Managed Security Services:

Cyber insurance and managed security services complement each other. While cyber insurance provides financial protection, managed security services help protect against cyber threats and reduce the likelihood of incidents that trigger insurance claims. By combining both, you establish a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, minimizing vulnerabilities, and maximizing protection for your business.


Having cyber insurance is valuable for mitigating financial losses in the event of a cyber attack. However, it should not be viewed as a standalone solution. Managed security services play a vital role in protecting against cyber threats, identifying vulnerabilities, and proactively mitigating risks. To ensure comprehensive protection for your business, it is recommended to have both cyber insurance and managed security services in place.

At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer a range of managed security solutions tailored to your business needs. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and receive recommendations for enhancing your security defenses. Protect your business from cyber threats by combining the benefits of cyber insurance and managed security services. Contact us today to schedule your CSRA and fortify your defenses against evolving cyber risks.

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What budget should I have for cyber security services?

Allocating an appropriate budget for cyber security services is essential for protecting your business from evolving cyber threats. Experts recommend dedicating 5-15% of your budget to cyber security. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we understand the importance of strategic budgeting for cyber security investments. This FAQ page provides insights into allocating 5-15% of your budget for cyber security services. Explore DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' managed security solutions and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to optimize your cyber security investments.

Recommended Budget Allocation:

Industry experts advise that businesses allocate 5-15% of their overall budget to cybersecurity services. This range helps ensure adequate resources are dedicated to protecting against cyber threats and maintaining a strong security posture. The specific percentage within this range depends on various factors, such as the size and risk profile of your organization.

Assess Your Risk Profile:

Begin by assessing your organization's risk profile, considering factors such as industry regulations, the value of your data, and the potential impact of a cyber-attack. This assessment helps identify the specific security needs and priorities for your business, allowing you to allocate your cyber security budget effectively.

Prioritize Security Needs:

Based on the risk assessment findings, prioritize your security needs. Identify critical areas such as network security, data protection, employee training, and incident response. By understanding your priorities, you can allocate resources within the recommended budget range to address the most significant risks effectively.

Leverage Managed Security Services:

Consider leveraging Managed Security services as a cost-effective option for small to medium-sized businesses. Outsourcing your security needs to a trusted managed security service provider like DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions allows you to access expert security professionals, advanced technologies, and 24/7 monitoring while staying within your allocated budget.


To effectively protect your business, it is recommended to allocate 5-15% of your budget to cyber security services. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions tailored to your unique needs and budget. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and receive recommendations that optimize your cyber security investments.

By aligning your budget with the recommended allocation, assessing your risk profile, prioritizing security needs, and considering managed security services, you can optimize your cyber security investments. Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to schedule your CSRA and ensure that your cyber security budget is strategically utilized to safeguard your organization's valuable assets.

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Ransomware Protection FAQ

What is the difference between ransomware and malware?

In the realm of cyber threats, ransomware and malware are terms frequently encountered. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we aim to provide clarity on these terms and help businesses understand the distinctions between them. This FAQ page explains the difference between ransomware and malware, highlighting their risks to organizations. Explore DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' managed security solutions and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to fortify your defenses against these threats.


Ransomware is a specific type of malware that encrypts files or locks down a victim's computer systems, rendering them inaccessible. The attackers demand a ransom payment in exchange for restoring access to the encrypted files or systems. Ransomware attacks can severely disrupt business operations, lead to data loss, and result in significant financial losses. Protecting against ransomware requires proactive measures such as regular data backups, network security, and user awareness training.


Malware, short for malicious software, is a broader term encompassing various types of malicious programs designed to harm computer systems, steal data, or gain unauthorized access. Malware can include viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, and adware. It can enter systems through infected websites, email attachments, or unauthorized software downloads. Malware can cause system crashes, compromise sensitive information, or enable unauthorized access to networks. Protecting against malware involves implementing robust security measures, including anti-malware software, secure browsing practices, and regular software updates.


Understanding the difference between ransomware and malware is vital for organizations seeking to protect their valuable assets. Ransomware specifically targets businesses by encrypting files and demanding a ransom, while malware encompasses a broader range of malicious software. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions to safeguard against both ransomware and malware. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your vulnerabilities, identify risks, and receive recommendations to enhance your defenses.

By understanding the nuances of ransomware and malware, and implementing appropriate security measures, businesses can effectively protect their systems and data. Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to schedule your CSRA and fortify your defenses against ransomware, malware, and other cyber threats, ensuring the security and resilience of your organization's critical assets.

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Who is at risk of a ransomware attack?

Ransomware attacks pose a significant risk to organizations of all sizes and industries. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we recognize the importance of understanding who is at risk and implementing robust security measures to protect against these cyber threats. This FAQ page sheds light on the entities that are susceptible to ransomware attacks and emphasizes the need for proactive protection. Explore DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' managed security solutions and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to fortify your defenses.

Businesses of All Sizes:

Ransomware attacks target businesses of all sizes, including small, medium, and large enterprises. Cybercriminals are aware that smaller organizations may have limited security resources, making them attractive targets. However, larger organizations are also vulnerable due to complex network infrastructure and potential security gaps. It is crucial for businesses across the board to adopt comprehensive security measures to mitigate the risk of ransomware attacks.

Critical Infrastructure:

Industries such as healthcare, finance, energy, and government are at high risk of ransomware attacks. Disrupting critical infrastructure can have severe consequences, including service disruptions, compromised patient data, financial loss, or compromised public safety. Organizations operating within critical infrastructure sectors should prioritize robust security measures to protect against ransomware attacks and ensure the continuity of their operations.

Remote and Mobile Workforces:

With the rise of remote and mobile work environments, the risk of ransomware attacks has increased. Remote employees may have less stringent security measures in place, making them potential entry points for cybercriminals. Organizations with remote or mobile workforces must implement strong security protocols, educate employees about best practices, and establish secure remote access solutions to protect against ransomware threats.


No organization is immune to the risk of ransomware attacks. It is essential for businesses of all sizes, critical infrastructure sectors, and those with remote or mobile workforces to prioritize robust security measures. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions designed to protect against ransomware and other cyber threats. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your vulnerabilities, identify risks, and receive recommendations to enhance your defenses.

By understanding the entities at risk and implementing proactive security measures, organizations can significantly reduce their exposure to ransomware attacks. Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to schedule your CSRA and fortify your defenses, protecting your organization's critical assets from the ever-evolving threat landscape.

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What to do in the event of a ransomware attack?

Ransomware attacks can cause significant disruption and financial loss for organizations. Being prepared and knowing how to respond in the event of an attack is crucial. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we provide guidance on the essential steps to take when faced with a ransomware attack. Follow your organization's Cyber Security Incident Response plan, if implemented, and explore DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions's managed security solutions. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to enhance your organization's preparedness and response capabilities.

Follow Your Cyber Security Incident Response Plan:

If your organization has implemented a Cyber Security Incident Response plan, follow it diligently. The plan outlines specific procedures, roles, and responsibilities for handling cybersecurity incidents, including ransomware attacks. Adhering to the plan ensures a coordinated and efficient response, minimizing the impact of the attack.

Isolate Infected Systems:

Immediately isolate the infected systems from the network to prevent the ransomware from spreading further. Disconnect affected devices, including servers, workstations, and network shares, to limit the damage and protect unaffected systems.

Alert Relevant Parties:

Notify your IT team, management, and any applicable third-party vendors or incident response providers. Prompt communication is vital to coordinate efforts and facilitate a swift response to the attack.

Preserve Evidence:

Preserve any evidence related to the attack, such as screenshots, email communications, or system logs. This evidence can aid in investigations and potential law enforcement involvement.

Report the Incident:

Report the ransomware attack to appropriate authorities and regulatory bodies, following any legal or industry-specific requirements. Prompt reporting helps combat cybercrime and assists in tracking down the perpetrators.

Engage Professional Support:

Contact a trusted managed security service provider, like DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, with expertise in ransomware incident response. They can provide guidance, assist in containing the attack, and help with data recovery and system restoration.

Assess Impact and Recovery Options:

Work with your IT team and security experts to assess the impact of the attack and evaluate available recovery options. Determine whether restoring from backups, negotiating with attackers (if advised by law enforcement), or other remediation strategies are the most appropriate course of action.


Facing a ransomware attack requires a swift and comprehensive response. By following the steps outlined above and adhering to your organization's Cyber Security Incident Response plan, if implemented, you can effectively mitigate the impact of the attack, recover critical systems, and safeguard your data. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your organization's vulnerabilities, improve preparedness, and enhance your incident response capabilities.

DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' managed security solutions and expert guidance can assist you in responding to ransomware attacks and other cyber threats. Contact us today to schedule your CSRA and strengthen your organization's ability to protect against and respond to evolving cyber threats.

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How does ransomware protection work?

Ransomware attacks pose a significant threat to businesses, making ransomware protection crucial for safeguarding your valuable assets. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we provide insights into how ransomware protection works and offer comprehensive managed security solutions. Explore the mechanisms behind ransomware protection and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to fortify your defenses against this growing cyber threat.

Endpoint Protection:

Endpoint protection involves deploying robust security software on endpoints, such as computers, servers, and mobile devices. This software includes features like antivirus, anti-malware, and behavioral analysis to detect and block ransomware threats. It helps protect against malicious files, suspicious activities, and unauthorized access attempts.

Secure Email Gateways:

Ransomware often enters systems through phishing emails or malicious attachments. Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) help filter out spam, phishing attempts, and malicious attachments, reducing the chances of ransomware infiltration. SEGs use advanced threat detection techniques, content filtering, and reputation-based analysis to identify and block malicious emails.

Web Filtering and Content Control:

Web filtering and content control solutions help protect against drive-by downloads and ransomware-laden websites. By blocking access to known malicious websites and restricting access to high-risk content, these solutions reduce the exposure to ransomware threats when users browse the internet.

Patch Management:

Regularly applying software patches and updates is critical for ransomware protection. Cybercriminals often exploit software vulnerabilities to gain access to systems. Patch management solutions help identify and apply the latest security patches, minimizing the risk of ransomware attacks through known vulnerabilities.


Ransomware protection is essential for safeguarding your business against this ever-evolving cyber threat. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions designed to protect your organization from ransomware attacks. By leveraging endpoint protection, secure email gateways, web filtering, content control, and robust patch management, you can enhance your ransomware protection measures.

Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) with DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions to assess your organization's vulnerabilities, identify risks, and receive tailored recommendations for strengthening your ransomware protection. Protect your business from the financial and operational impact of ransomware attacks. Contact us today to schedule your CSRA and fortify your defenses against this growing cyber threat.

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How does malware protection work?

Malware poses a significant threat to businesses, making effective malware protection crucial for safeguarding your valuable assets. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we provide insights into how malware protection works and offer comprehensive managed security solutions. Explore the mechanisms behind malware protection and schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to fortify your defenses against this evolving cyber threat.

Endpoint Protection:

Endpoint protection solutions play a vital role in malware protection. These solutions include antivirus, anti-malware, and advanced threat detection capabilities. They continuously monitor endpoint devices such as computers, servers, and mobile devices for malicious activity. By scanning files, processes, and network connections, they detect and block known malware signatures and suspicious behaviors.

Network Security:

Protecting against malware requires robust network security measures. Firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), and secure web gateways (SWGs) help detect and block incoming malware traffic. These solutions analyze network traffic, filter out malicious content, and apply security policies to ensure safe communication.

Email Security:

Email is a common vector for malware distribution. Email security solutions, such as secure email gateways (SEGs), use advanced threat detection techniques to identify and block malicious attachments, links, and phishing attempts. These solutions help prevent malware-infected emails from reaching users' inboxes.

User Education and Awareness:

Educating and raising awareness among employees about safe browsing habits, email best practices, and the risks associated with downloading files from untrusted sources are essential aspects of malware protection. Training programs and security awareness campaigns help empower users to make informed decisions and identify potential malware threats.


Malware protection is crucial for safeguarding your business from the risks posed by malicious software. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed security solutions designed to protect your organization from malware attacks. By leveraging endpoint protection, network security measures, email security, and user education, you can enhance your malware protection capabilities.

Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) with DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions to assess your organization's vulnerabilities, identify risks, and receive tailored recommendations for strengthening your malware protection. Protect your business from the financial and operational impact of malware attacks. Contact us today to schedule your CSRA and fortify your defenses against this evolving cyber threat.

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What are some best practices against ransomware?

Ransomware attacks pose a significant threat to businesses, but implementing best practices can help protect your organization's critical assets. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we provide insights into effective strategies and best practices for protecting against ransomware attacks. Explore these recommendations and leverage DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' managed security solutions to fortify your defenses. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your vulnerabilities and enhance your ransomware protection.

Regular Data Backup:

Implement a robust data backup strategy to ensure that critical files and data are regularly backed up and stored securely. Regular backups minimize the impact of ransomware attacks by allowing you to restore your systems and data to a pre-attack state without paying a ransom.

Employee Education and Awareness:

Educate employees about the risks associated with phishing emails, malicious attachments, and suspicious website links. Train them to recognize potential ransomware threats, follow secure browsing practices, and report any suspicious activities promptly. A well-informed and vigilant workforce serves as an essential line of defense against ransomware attacks.

Patch Management and Software Updates:

Keep your operating systems, software applications, and security solutions up to date with the latest patches and software updates. Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software to launch ransomware attacks. Regular patch management helps close these security gaps and minimize the risk of successful ransomware infiltration.

Network Segmentation:

Segment your network into separate zones or subnetworks to limit the impact of a ransomware attack. By isolating critical systems and sensitive data, you can contain the spread of ransomware within your network and minimize potential damage.

Multilayered Security:

Implement a multilayered security approach that includes firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), antivirus, anti-malware, and secure email gateways (SEGs). These layers of security work together to detect and block ransomware threats at various entry points, providing comprehensive protection.


By implementing these best practices, you can significantly enhance your organization's protection against ransomware attacks. DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions offers comprehensive managed security solutions designed to help businesses protect against ransomware and other cyber threats. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your vulnerabilities, identify risks, and receive tailored recommendations for strengthening your ransomware protection.

Don't wait for an attack to happen. Take proactive steps to fortify your defenses and protect your critical assets. Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to schedule your CSRA and enhance your organization's resilience against ransomware threats.

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Managed IT FAQ

How can managed IT services help boost my business?

Managed IT services provide businesses with a range of benefits, enabling them to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and strengthen their security posture. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we offer comprehensive managed IT services designed to boost your business. Explore the advantages of partnering with a managed service provider and discover DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' expertise in delivering robust managed security solutions. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to optimize your business's operations and security.

Proactive IT Support and Maintenance:

Managed IT services provide proactive support, ensuring your systems, networks, and infrastructure are continuously monitored and maintained. This proactive approach helps prevent issues before they become major disruptions, minimizing downtime and optimizing productivity.

Scalability and Flexibility:

With managed IT services, you can easily scale your IT infrastructure to accommodate your business's growth and evolving needs. Whether you need to add new users, expand storage capacity, or implement new technologies, managed service providers can provide the necessary resources and support.

Expertise and Specialized Skills:

Partnering with a managed service provider grants you access to a team of skilled IT professionals with expertise across various technologies and industry best practices. Their knowledge and experience can help you leverage the latest technologies and optimize your IT investments.

Enhanced Cybersecurity:

Managed IT services often include comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, protecting your business against evolving cyber threats. These solutions encompass advanced threat detection, real-time monitoring, secure network infrastructure, and proactive incident response, safeguarding your valuable data and protecting against cyber attacks.

Cost Savings:

Outsourcing IT services through a managed service provider can result in significant cost savings. Instead of hiring and training an in-house IT team, you gain access to a team of experts at a predictable monthly cost. This cost-effective model allows you to allocate resources strategically and focus on core business objectives.


Managed IT services provide numerous benefits for businesses, including proactive IT support, scalability, expertise, enhanced cybersecurity, and cost savings. DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions offers comprehensive managed security solutions designed to boost your business operations and protect against evolving cyber threats. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your vulnerabilities, identify risks, and receive tailored recommendations for optimizing your business's operations and security.

Partner with DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions and leverage the advantages of managed IT services to drive your business forward. Contact us today to schedule your CSRA and unlock the full potential of your organization with our robust managed security solutions.

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How much do managed IT services cost?

Managed IT services offer businesses numerous advantages, but understanding the cost is essential for effective budgeting. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we provide insights into the factors that influence the cost of managed IT services. Explore the pricing considerations and discover DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' comprehensive managed security solutions. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to receive tailored recommendations and ensure optimized protection for your business.

Scope of Services:

The cost of managed IT services can vary depending on the scope of services required. Factors such as the number of devices, users, and locations, as well as the complexity of your IT infrastructure, impact the pricing. A tailored service package can be designed to meet your specific needs, aligning with your budget.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs):

Service Level Agreements outline the performance expectations, response times, and availability of services. The level of service you require, such as 24/7 monitoring, incident response, and support, can influence the cost of managed IT services. Higher service levels typically come at a higher cost.

Scalability and Customization:

The scalability and customization requirements of your business can impact the cost of managed IT services. If you anticipate future growth or have unique IT needs, the service provider can tailor the pricing to accommodate your specific requirements.

Security Needs:

Managed security services, including robust cybersecurity measures, are often included in managed IT service offerings. The level of security required, such as advanced threat detection, vulnerability management, and security incident response, can influence the overall cost.

Budget Allocation:

As a general guideline, businesses typically allocate 5-15% of their income for IT services, including managed IT services. However, the exact percentage may vary depending on factors such as industry, company size, and specific IT requirements. It's important to consider the overall budget and prioritize IT investments accordingly.


The cost of managed IT services is influenced by factors such as the scope of services, service level agreements, scalability, customization, security needs, and the allocated budget. DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions offers comprehensive managed security solutions designed to meet your business's unique requirements. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your vulnerabilities, identify risks, and receive tailored recommendations for optimizing your protection.

Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to discuss your managed IT service needs, budget, and receive a customized service package that aligns with your requirements. Our team will work with you to provide robust security, support, and cost-effective solutions. Schedule your CSRA to ensure that your business receives optimized security and IT services while aligning with the typical income allocation.

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Is my company too small for managed IT?

Small businesses often wonder if they can benefit from managed IT services. At DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions, we shed light on the advantages of managed IT services for companies of all sizes. Explore how DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions can protect your small business and maximize your IT capabilities. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your vulnerabilities and receive tailored recommendations for safeguarding your company.

Cost-Effective IT Solutions:

Managed IT services offer cost-effective solutions for small businesses. Instead of hiring a full in-house IT team, you can leverage the expertise of DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' professionals at a fraction of the cost. This allows you to access top-notch IT support and security without straining your budget.

Enhanced IT Security:

Small businesses are equally susceptible to cyber threats as larger organizations. Managed IT services provide robust security measures, such as advanced threat detection, data encryption, and regular security updates. Protecting your sensitive data against cyber attacks is essential, regardless of your company's size.

Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance:

Managed IT services include proactive monitoring and maintenance of your IT infrastructure. DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions' experts continuously monitor your systems, networks, and devices to identify and address potential issues before they disrupt your operations. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and keeps your business running smoothly.

Scalable Solutions:

As your small business grows, your IT needs may change. Managed IT services offer scalable solutions, allowing you to easily adjust resources and support as your business expands. Whether you need to add new users, upgrade hardware, or implement new technologies, DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions can accommodate your evolving requirements.


No business is too small for managed IT services. DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions offers comprehensive managed IT solutions tailored to the needs of small businesses. Schedule a Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) to assess your vulnerabilities, identify risks, and receive tailored recommendations for protecting your company.

Contact DOYB Cyber / DOYB Technical Solutions today to discuss your small business's IT needs and discover how our managed IT services can enhance your operations and security. Partner with us to receive cost-effective IT solutions, enhanced security, proactive monitoring, and scalability. Schedule your CSRA to ensure that your small business is equipped with the necessary protection to thrive in today's digital landscape.

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1 – Hackers Attack Every 39 Seconds, Security Magazine, https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/87787-hackers-attack-every-39-seconds
2 – Cybersecurity Tips, Tricks and FAQs, Goergia Department of Community Health, https://dch.georgia.gov/divisionsoffices/office-information-technology/cybersecurity-faq
3 – Ransomware FAQs, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), https://www.cisa.gov/stopransomware/ransomware-faqs